Charter, skipper and crew

As a skipper, you have a special responsibility on board. As the person in charge of the boat and crew, you must always keep track. So that you can enjoy your cruise, we offer with Partner EIS - European Insurance & Services GmbH with our "Skipper & Crew" offers a selected insurance package, with which you can set sail with a clear conscience and well insured.

You can take out our extended skipper liability insurance, charter deposit insurance, travel cancellation insurance, and travel price insurance individually or in package form. The exact content of the insurance packages can be found in the description.

Deposit Insurance for Chartered Yachts

Take advantage of our attractive deposit insurance for Skipper and Crew.Understandably, the yacht owner secures themself against unpleasant surprises and charges a deposit.

Whether it's a sail breaking, the yacht gets a few scratches, or the slightest damage after your return from the dream vacation, the owner will partly or wholly retain this deposit. In this case, you are protected by charter deposit insurance.


Details for the charter deposit insurance

It is covered in the partial or total withholding of the charter deposit by the owner/charterer due to loss or damage caused by the private policyholder or the crew. Insurance benefit: The compensation of the damage in money does not exceed the insurance sum. The deductible is 10 % of the deposit, at least 100 EUR. If the regatta risk is included, the deductible is 15 % of the deposit, at least 300 EUR.


Simple pricing model

To determine the insurance premium for our charter deposit insurance, only two questions are necessary:

  • Is it covered for a voyage or an annual coverage? 

  • How much is the deposit sum? (for an annual coverage the most expensive planned deposit sum) If the data are known, you can multiply the deposit sum with the following percentage, and you will get the insurance premium.


Cover for a cruise Annual coverage
Deposit of up to 3.000 € 8% 15%
Deposit of more than 3.000 € 7% 13%
Minimum premium 75,- € 100, - €
Regatta risk plus 15% plus 15%


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Charter Price Contingency Insurance

We offer with Partner EIS - European Insurance & Services GmbH the Charter Price Contingency Insurance.

The charterer has neither the yacht charter nor the replacement yacht provided at the time agreed. Therefore, the assertion of the repayment of the already paid charter price is unenforceable due to the intermediary's charter agency's or charter base's insolvency, and the claim is canceled. These are insurance cases where the charter price contingency insurance comes into effect and tries to lower the damage and turn your cruise to a happy end.

In the case of insolvency of the intermediaries charter agency, we will reimburse the charter price collected and not transferred or reimbursed by the charter agency. On the other hand, in the case of insolvency of the charter agency, the charter price contingency insurance reimburses the collected and not refunded charter price.

Additionally, higher costs for flights and higher charter costs when changing the booking are reimbursed up to a sum of 1.500 € per cruise.


A low insurance premium

The insurance covers the loss of the legally established entitlement to repayment of the paid charter price of the indicated charter due to non-fulfillment of the service; provided by the yacht; and by the charter base caused by the insolvency of the charter agency or charter base.

Condition: This Charter Price Contingency Insurance can only be concluded within 21 days upon the receipt of the booking confirmation.

Insurance benefit: The compensation of the damage in money up to the insurance sum. Furthermore, the insurer pays additional costs for flights and higher charter costs in case of re-bookings up to max. 1.-500,- EUR per cruise.

Charter trips of more than 5.000- EUR/week or 15.000 EUR/cruise require an individual request.

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Extended skipper liability insurance for private skippers

As a skipper of a yacht, you bear a high degree of responsibility towards the crew, the guests, and the boat's owner. Both your competence and your sense of responsibility are prerequisites for your job. Therefore, we consider taking out an extended skipper's liability insurance to be obligatory for you.

Boats and yachts are usually covered by liability insurance. Nevertheless, it frequently happens that a yacht liability or fully comprehensive insurer does not pay out in some instances, or the cover sum or the scope of the contract is insufficient. Therefore, take out the extended skipper's liability insurance from EIS European Insurance & Services LLC.!


What is skipper liability insurance?

If you negligently cause damage to persons or property, you are liable for your present and future assets. If you already have private liability insurance, it does not cover claims that may arise during your activities as a skipper on a charter.

As a rule, all water sports activities are excluded by insurers. An example: You charter a yacht for your holiday and want to sail off the French Atlantic coast as a skipper. In an accident caused by gross negligence, some of your fellow crew or passengers are injured, and the ship is damaged. In this case, your private liability insurance does not apply, and your assets would now be at stake. But when you have taken out the EIS extended skipper's liability insurance for the trip, it will settle the claims following the conditions up to the specified amount of cover.


Which damages are insured?

The extended skipper's liability insurance covers the legal liability of the insured person arising from the private, non-commercial operation of chartered/foreign sailing and motor yachts. The sum insured is EUR 3,000,000 or EUR 6,000,000 lump sum for personal injury and property damage and an additional EUR 100,000 for financial loss. The yacht liability and fully comprehensive insurance are always obliged to pay for the damages in advance so that the skipper liability insurance always pays subsidiarily. In addition, the following are regarded as co-insured:

  • damage to the chartered yacht in the event of proven gross negligence up to 550,000 EUR

  • deductible in the event of damage of 2,500 EUR

  • Liability claims of the entire crew among each other up to 3,000,000 EUR or 6,000,000 EUR

  • in the case of property damage, if the amount increases by 150 EUR per loss event, security deposits up to 50,000 EUR in the event of seizure in a foreign port

  • claims by the owner for loss of charter income as a result of significant yacht damage for which the skipper is responsible up to 20,000 EUR. The primary policyholder proportionally borne the costs for the first three days caused by the loss of charter income.

  • 1.000 EUR in case of interruption of the cruise due to damage which makes the return trip impossible due to the yacht's lack of navigability for hotel and travel costs to the bas


What is not covered by the skipper's insurance?

The following damages, among others, are not covered by the extended skipper's liability insurance. The complete list can be found in § 2 of our extended skipper liability insurance conditions. liability claims that go beyond the scope of legal liability

  • damage that you suffer yourself

  • damage that you cause intentionally
  • liability claims arising from damage that occurs during participation in sailing regattas or motorboat races or during the associated practice trips, as not expressly agreed in the policy

  • damage to your own or borrowed property or objects or persons living in the same household as you: in particular damage to the chartered yacht, its accessories, and equipment as well as tenders, provided that the damage to the chartered boat was not caused by gross negligence
 damage caused by you to certain close relatives
 liability claims arising from damage caused by the improper handling of flammable or explosive substances
 driving a watercraft if an official permit is required and the operator in charge does not have the official license when the insured event occurs

damage in connection with valuables (jewelry, watches, furs, cash, credit cards, securities, etc.) and electronic devices


Skipper insurance: costs at a glance

The premium for our extended skipper's liability insurance is well-structured and very inexpensive for the scope of insurance included. As you can see from the table, three criteria lead to the corresponding rate: the desired sum insured, the type of yacht chartered and its length.


Sailing Yachts Motor and Sailing yachts
Sum insured 3.000.000 € 6.000.000 € 3.000.000 € 6.000.000 €
up to 10m length 65 € 77 € 72 € 88 €
over 10m length 90 € 100 € 115 € 130 €
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Professional Skipper Liability Insurance

Extended Professional Skipper Liability Insurance

We offer with Partner EIS - European Insurance & Services GmbH the Extended Professional Skipper Liability Insurance. The advanced professional skipper liability insurance covers the legal liability insurance of the policyholder as a professional skipper/guide of a yacht of up to 100 tons. The coverage is 3.000.000- EUR or 6.000.000- EUR as a lump sum for personal injuries and property damage. The total sum for all insurance cases of a year is twice the sum insured.

Co-insured is:

Covered by the Commercial Extended Skipper Third-Party Liability Insurance is the legal liability insurance of the insured person as a private and commercial skipper of a chartered foreign sailing and motor yacht of up to max. 3000 PS or 400 m2. The insurance sum is 3.000.000- EUR or 6.000.000- EUR for personal and property damage and 100.000- EUR for financial losses. The yacht's liability and fully comprehensive insurance are obliged to perform in advance. So the Commercial Skipper Third-Party Liability Insurance is always a subsidiary.

Covered are:

  • Damage to the chartered yacht in case of proven gross negligence up to 550.000- EUR
(in case of damage, a deductible of 2.500- is deemed as agreed)

  • Liability claims of the entire crew among each other up to 3.000.000,- or 6.000.000,- EUR
(In case of property damage as far as they exceed 150,- EUR per claim)

  • Security deposit in case of seizure in a foreign harbor up to 50.000- EUR

  • Shares of the yacht owner for charter losses due to significant self-inflicted damage to the yacht up to 20.000- EUR
(the costs for the first three days of the charter loss must be partly taken by the policyholder)

  • 1.000 EUR for hotel and travel costs to the charter base if the charter trip must be canceled due to damage causing an impossible return due to insufficient seaworthiness of the yacht.


The annual insurance premium, including the legal insurance tax, is:

Coverage sum Displacement t Power HP Max. sail area Price
3.000.000 EUR 15 300 120 230,00 EUR
6.000.000 EUR 15 300 120 280,00 EUR
3.000.000 EUR 30 750 200 280,00 EUR
6.000.000 EUR 30 750 200 350,00 EUR
3.000.000 EUR 100 1500 300 450,00 EUR
6.000.000 EUR 100 1500 300 600,00 EUR
3.000.000 EUR 200 3000 400 850,00 EUR
6.000.000 EUR 200 3000 400 890,00 EUR


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